Git Guide

Git is a version control system that allows developers to collaborate on projects. Version control keeps track of project changes and allows the developer to revert to previous versions, which saves a lot of headache when things stop working. Collaboration is achieved by keeping a “master” version of the project on a server or service like Github, and project members would have a copy of it on their local machines; any changes they make would be added to the “master” after they commit their changes and push them.

A typical git workflow is:

git add "changedFile or * for all changed files."
git pull
git commit -m "Your message here; a description of what you did "
git push

GAI projects should be hosted on github, and the team leader should add members as collaborators so they can push their changes.

To learn more about git, take TeamTreeHouse’s git basics course and look at these resources:

  • Try Git: A short interactive tutorial that will get you acquainted with git that we highly recommend you start with.
  • Practical Guide to Git: A stackoverflow post that has answers to the most common questions in git, and a few guides.
  • Atlassian git Tutorial: Advanced git concepts with examples
  • Think Like a Git: If you want a deeper understanding of how git works.